The ecology of co-migrating raptors and songbirds remains a great interest of mine. I spent numerous seasons watching and catching hawks, owls, and songbirds as they passed through the Manzano and Sandia Mountains of New Mexico. The stopover patterns, foraging strategies, and migration strategies of these birds mostly remain a mystery, but slowly we are piecing some of it together. I also am collaborating with ornithologists at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to study bird migration using the eBird database.
La Sorte, F., D. Fink, W.M. Hochachka, J.P. DeLong, and S. Kelling. 2014. Spring phenology of ecological productivity contributes to the use of looped migration-strategies by birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 1793:20140984.
La Sorte, F., D. Fink, W.M. Hochachka, J.P. DeLong, and S. Kelling. 2013. Population-level scaling of avian migration speed with body size and migration distance for powered fliers. Ecology. 94:1839-1847.
DeLong, J.P., N.S. Cox, S.W. Cox, Z. M. Hurst, and J.P. Smith. 2013. DNA sequencing reveals patterns of prey selection in migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks. Condor. 115:40-46.
DeLong, J.P. 2006. Pre-migratory fattening and mass gain in Flammulated Owls in central New Mexico. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118(2):187-193.
DeLong, J.P., S.W. Cox, and N.S. Cox. 2005. A comparison of avian use of high- and low-elevation sites during autumn migration in central New Mexico. Journal of Field Ornithology 76(4):326-333.
DeLong, J.P., T.D. Meehan, and R.B. Smith. 2005. Investigating fall movements of hatch-year Flammulated Owls (Otus flammeolus) in central New Mexico using stable hydrogen isotopes. Journal of Raptor Research 39(1):19-25.
DeLong, J.P. and S.W. Hoffman. 2004. Fat stores of migrant Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s hawks in New Mexico. Journal of Raptor Research 38(2):163-168.
DeLong, J.P. and S.W. Hoffman. 1999. Differential autumn migration of Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s hawks in western North America. Condor 101(3):674-678.
La Sorte, F., D. Fink, W.M. Hochachka, J.P. DeLong, and S. Kelling. 2014. Spring phenology of ecological productivity contributes to the use of looped migration-strategies by birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 1793:20140984.
La Sorte, F., D. Fink, W.M. Hochachka, J.P. DeLong, and S. Kelling. 2013. Population-level scaling of avian migration speed with body size and migration distance for powered fliers. Ecology. 94:1839-1847.
DeLong, J.P., N.S. Cox, S.W. Cox, Z. M. Hurst, and J.P. Smith. 2013. DNA sequencing reveals patterns of prey selection in migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks. Condor. 115:40-46.
DeLong, J.P. 2006. Pre-migratory fattening and mass gain in Flammulated Owls in central New Mexico. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118(2):187-193.
DeLong, J.P., S.W. Cox, and N.S. Cox. 2005. A comparison of avian use of high- and low-elevation sites during autumn migration in central New Mexico. Journal of Field Ornithology 76(4):326-333.
DeLong, J.P., T.D. Meehan, and R.B. Smith. 2005. Investigating fall movements of hatch-year Flammulated Owls (Otus flammeolus) in central New Mexico using stable hydrogen isotopes. Journal of Raptor Research 39(1):19-25.
DeLong, J.P. and S.W. Hoffman. 2004. Fat stores of migrant Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s hawks in New Mexico. Journal of Raptor Research 38(2):163-168.
DeLong, J.P. and S.W. Hoffman. 1999. Differential autumn migration of Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s hawks in western North America. Condor 101(3):674-678.